ss_blog_claim=b4f2095eb62db21bb4928c8f931619ca photoshopCommunity of PSMZA: 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Your Magazine

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Projek 2 : Poster Filem Anda

Prosedur yang perlu anda ikuti:

1. Berkumpulan (3 orang)
2. Poster berukuran a4 ( 297 h x 210 w )
3. Pilih konsep filem anda samada seram/ komedi/ sains fiksyen/ sedih/ cinta/ kekeluargaan/ ketuhanan/ aksi/ dll. Anda boleh merujuk mane-mane poster filem tempatan/antarabangsa sebagai rujukan sahaja untuk mendapatkan idea/olahan.
4. Foto/aksi pada poster haruslah menceritakan tentang filem anda.*
5. Persembahan kesan foto, teks, latar belakang serta kreativiti poster akan dinilai.**
6. Foto-foto yang digunakan hendaklah original/asli bukan sedut dari internet.
7. Hasil kerja hendaklah dihantar pada penghujung 23 November 2008 dlm bentuk softcopy(jpeg) & hardcopy(cetak di atas kertas Photo paper).
8. Poster yang memberi IMPAK MAKSIMA akan mendapat markah tertinggi.

*ambil aksi untuk foto anda
**anda juga boleh mendapat kesan khas utk foto , teks & latar belakang dengan mendapatkan tutorial2 yang ada di samada internet atau anda cipta sendiri.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best of The best 2

Best of The best

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Assigment 3 : DIP1-S2 & DIP1S3

Konsep : Foto Kenangan Abadi Syawal 1429 Hijrah
1. Foto bersama keluarga anda.
2. Terdapat teks ucapan.
3. Kesan Diffuse Flow.
4. Bina Frame dengan Canvas.
5. Untuk mentonton video langkah-demi-langkah tugasan 3 sila muat-turun di Kemudian klik Download>VideoTutorialPhotoshop.
6. Hantar Tugasan3fXXXX (jpeg) pada minggu tamat cuti raya dalam bentuk hardcopy bersaiz 4R (kene cuci kedai).

Monday, September 15, 2008

Filter by Dip1s2

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sticker for Ramadhan & Syawal Celebration

* video will show u how to create pattern background

Project Mini 1 – Dip 1-s2 & Dip1-s3

1.Then, create new file with 3 pixel x 3 pixel
2.Zoom to maximum.
3.Use Rectangular Marquee tool, create small box each angle.
4.Use Bucket Paint Bucket tool > choose you color > put in small box
.Click Edit > Define Pattern > give name as Small box
6.Create new file with 12cm (width) x 8cm(height)
7.Use Bucket Paint Bucket tool > change Fill from Foreground to Pattern
8.Choose Pattern Small Box > click your file
9.Then u see a small box on your file
10.Use Gradient tool > drag from top to down direction
11.Put wishes for wishes celebration e.g Salam Aidilfitri or Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan
12.Take any mosque photo copy & paste to your file
13.Then click Image > adjustment > Treshold
14.Then copy your photo > paste to file
15.Lastly, click image > adjustment > Briteness& contrass > put value – 39 /+33.
16.Please print as a sticker.
17. Submit Duration : 2 weeks (before Hari Raya holiday)
18. To download video, please visit > Download>Videos tutorial phoptoshop
19. Below is an example of design sticker.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Topic Area Selection : DIP1S2

This is selected picture to publish in studentphotoshop. Its was design by DIP1-S2 students. Topic is Area Selection. Click on thumb picture to large view.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Assigment 2b: DIP1-S2, DIP1-S3, DIP1S1 & SIT1S1

1. Watch the video properly(video its slow, be patient).
2. See all steps shown in video.
3. Follow steps to get your own merdeka logo.
4. Submit JPEG (softcopy) file next class.

5. Download video, click this link

Assigment 2a : DIP1-S2, DIP1-S3, DIP1S1 & SIT1S1


1. Watch the video properly(video its slow, be patient).

2. See all steps shown in video.

3. Follow steps to get your own merdeka logo.

4. Submit JPEG (softcopy) file next class.

5. Download this video, click this link

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lab2- Bookmark

* this is a part of selected lab2 from Dip1-s2.
* Now Dip1-s2 know how to create bookmark using crop picture.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Assignment 1: DIP1-S3 & DIP1-S2 July 2008

Subject : F1022 Computer Graphic
Topic 1 : Digital Image (Raster Image & Vector Image )

Date : 3 Ogos 2008


1. Define term below:

a. Grainy

b. Pixilation

2. Determine the advantages of using raster images

3.Determine the advantages of using vector images

* Please submit after semester break with hardcopy & softcopy
* Please enclose with reference book or URL ( internet reference e.g )
* This is individual assignment.
* 12 marks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Learning is Fun

My words Assalamualaikum kepada semua pelajar semester 1 khususnya pelajar modul Computer Graphic F1022. Saya telah mengajar modul ini sejak diperkenalkan di PSMZA pada 2005. Susah ke modul ni?? Manade susah, senang je. Ada final ke? manade final, but u have to complete all the evaluation(quiz, assigment, lab, project, and test) that will i give it to u later. Its easy for me, if u perform good in class, than good result for u.
Quiz ( 5x)
Lab (10x)
Assg ( 5x)
Project (2x)
Test (2x)
Sum = 100%

Poster before i move to Singapore

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Project 2 : Sticker

1. Ukuran sticker/pelekat lebar: 10 cm tinggi: 6cm (set ketika open Photoshop anda).
2. Gunakan Pen-tool untuk membuat lengkung/curve/corak (spt foto di atas).
3. Projek adalah secara individu.
4. Gunakan font dan warna yang sesuai & sodap-mata memandang (jgn SS).
5. Teks perlulah digubah dengan kesan khas atau tutorial yg telah dipelajari dari sifoo.
6. Foto anda perlu ada dikenakan kesan juga yay!
7. Teks perlulah sesuai & tidak meng-aibkan.
8. Cetak hasil anda (cakap kat tokei kedai, nak print dalam bentuk sticker kertas licin/kilat..!)
9. Kedai yg senang..kedai Azax (depan maideen dungun)
10. Hantar pada hari Isnin 26.5.08

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Out-of -screen

* kesan ini lagi cantik sekiranya anda membesarkan skrin tv + foto anda sendiri. Anyway tahniah. Tunggu kisah selanjutnya...

Project 1 Seram Benderam

* ini adalah hasil tangan korang semua, tahniah. Namun boleh mencoba lagi untok mendapatkan kesan seram yang lebih umph! so korang rajin la jenguk2 segala kaedah untuk men-create kesan seram. Nikmati-lah keindahan

Monday, May 12, 2008

Assigment 6

Majlis konvokesyen ke5 PSMZA akan diadakan pada 13,14,15 Mei 2008 iaitu hari selasa, rabu & khamis ini. Maka sepeninggalan saya, anda dikehendaki untuk men-download tutorial video photoshop (sila ketik URL di bawah ini).

1.Download video bertajuk Cricketer Coming Out Of Screen.
2.Gunakan foto skrin TV & komputer yg ada(di bawah).
3. Daripada video tersebut, anda dikehendaki mengikuti step-step yg ditunjukkan .
4. Sila submit tugasan ini pada minggu hadapan iaitu bersamaan hari Ahad 18 Mei 2008 dalam bentuk softcopy.

Harap maklum, terima kasih.

Foto skrin:(klik kanan dan save as picture/image..)